by wcadmin | Dec 9, 2011 | Doug Jones, Guillermo del Toro, Pan's Labyrinth, Studies in Scary
Scooty B and I took in 2006’s Pan’s Labyrinth, written and directed by Guillermo del Toro, a little while back. As usual, Scott had already seen it and I was a viewing virgin. I remember seeing the previews for Pan’s thinking, “Wow, that looks...
by wcadmin | Aug 24, 2011 | Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Guillermo del Toro
I share Guillermo’s memories of that 1973 TV movie, and have been haunted by it ever since. I am very excited about this. Director promises ‘Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark’ remake has classic edgeGuillermo del Toro has monsters on the brain.So many, in fact, that...