by wcadmin | Oct 28, 2011 | Ben Templesmith, Charlie Athanas, Dave Dorman, Doug Klauba, Horror art, J Anthony Kosar, Jiull Thompson, Ray Frenden, Tony Akins
An amazing collection of artists are showing tomorrow night (Sat., Oct. 29) at the first annual Maleficium: Dark Arts Exhibition. Curated by painter and sculptor, J. Anthony Kosar, this is a free gallery opening and will be filled with dark arts goodness with work by...
by wcadmin | Oct 18, 2011 | awesomesauce, peanut butter in my chocolate, ponies, Tony Akins, wonder woman
Seriously…the only thing I love more than horror and ponies is Wonder Woman…so the two together…le sigh…awesome-sauce. If they put Wonder Woman on a pony fighting a Kraken…then I will die a happy woman.Also, Wonder Woman will soon be...